Is Cleaning Your Computer Necessary?

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Is Cleaning Your Computer Necessary?

Absolutely. Between dust and clutter, a dirty computer can really slow you down. But in no more than two hours, you can restore your computer to its brand-new, out-of-the-box glory – both inside and out.

Here’s what you need to do to clean your computer: 

  1. Unplug your device.
  2. Moisten a microfiber cloth, scrub all the fingerprints, dust, and crumbs from every crevice, and wipe the screen. Water will work, but so will a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. Be careful not to get any liquid in the ports.
  3. Make sure to clean your laptop case too, but make sure it is completely dry before putting back on your laptop.
  4. Use compressed air on the keyboard. Feel free to use a Q-tip for those hard-to-reach places.
  5. If your mouse is mechanical (as opposed to optical, which doesn’t need internal cleaning), unplug it from your computer and remove any batteries. Wipe it down everywhere with a cloth imbued with a touch of alcohol. Give it a few seconds to dry. Don’t forget to plug it back into your computer.
  1. Whether you have a Mac or a PC, look at your data storage and identify the files and folders that are consuming the most space. Delete the ones you don’t need anymore.
  2. PC users should then run disk cleanup, which frees up space on your hard drive. Mac users should go to “Storage > Manage” to delete unused files or apps. Macs also offer a “Reduce Clutter” option that can help you identify irrelevant files.
  3. Make sure to always back up your hard drives.
  4. If you have a PC and have completed these steps but still need to free up space, check out these tips from Microsoft.  
  5. Clear your web browser history.
  6. Empty the trash.
  7. Reboot your computer.

That’s it - you’re done! You’ve just extended your computer’s life and renewed your productivity. What a great way to start off a new year! To keep your computer healthy year-round, follow these steps every six months.

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Written by: Sarah Nicholas 

Sarah is the Director of Communications for Serendipity Communications. She lives in Plainwell, Michigan with her husband, daughters and stepson, with twin stepdaughters nearby. She is passionate about cyber safety education and animal rights and enjoys ballet dancing, reading and volunteering at her children’s school. 

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

Ameris Bank is not affiliated with nor endorses any of the companies featured in this article.

Reviewed July 2023.


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