Stay on Track with a Midyear Financial Review

Stay on Track with a Midyear Financial Review

While it may feel natural to wait until a new year begins to check in on your budget, why not plan a midyear financial review? This gives you the second half of the year to get back on track if needed and to make improvements.

Here are ways that you can assess your finances and decide if changes are in order:

Assess Your Debt

Maybe you have outstanding loans – like student loans or car payments – or your life circumstances have led to an accumulation of debt. Check in on your debt and make sure you have a plan in place to pay it off. A financial advisor can help you evaluate the situation, develop a strategy and talk through possible ways to avoid taking on additional debt.

Check the Status of Retirement Planning and Savings

Whether you have retirement in mind, are saving for your kids’ college funds or have other long-term goals, take the midyear point to see if you are on track. Do you need to find ways to save more to meet your goals, or are there other ways to grow your money that you have not tapped into? Analyze your investments to see if you need a rebalancing, reallocating or diversification. If you aren’t sure where you stand, make an appointment with your financial advisor, who has resources and expertise to point you in the right direction.

Perform a Spending Analysis

Most of us know where we spend the bulk of our money each month, but a spending analysis can help you to see exactly where your money is going. You might have a light bulb moment and see where you can cut back on areas like eating out or television subscriptions.

Check Your Credit Report

Even if you’re not getting ready to buy a home or car, or borrow money for another purchase, it’s still important to stay cognizant of your credit score. Check your report to make sure information reported to creditors is accurate, that you haven’t unknowingly become a victim of identify theft and to know where you stand before you apply for something like a new mortgage.

Scheduling a midyear financial review – either on your own or with your financial institution partner – will be time well spent. Checking in will allow you to improve your standing to further your financial peace of mind.

Reviewed July 2023

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

Ameris Bank does not endorse nor is affiliated with the companies listed in this article.


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