Landscaping on a Budget

Buying a Home
Landscaping on a Budget

There are plenty of ways you can create a beautiful and attractive outdoor space without breaking the bank. Look at these landscaping ideas for inspiration.

  • Use Ground Cover: Grass looks great, but it also requires regular watering and maintenance. Ground-covering plants are an attractive and affordable alternative to a traditional lawn.
  • Plant in Clusters: Add visual interest to your outdoor area by grouping planters together for added depth and height. Terra cotta planters are inexpensive and classic.
  • Use Your Community Mulch: Many towns and cities offer free mulch to residents via public gardens or city parks. Tree cuttings are collected in spring and fall and turned into mulch.

Water Conservation

Landscaping on a budget is more than elbow grease and getting cheap plants. Conserving water can also positively impact your finances.

  • Choose Perennial Plants: Drought-tolerant perennials will save you money compared to annuals that need to be replaced every 12 months.
  • Harvest Rainwater: Attach a rain barrel to a downspout to collect water that can be used on your plants.
  • Mow Your Lawn High: Leaving your lawn at a higher height will help grass develop a deeper and more extensive root system, which is more tolerant to drought.

Other water conservation ideas include using a rainwater gauge, planting native plants, reducing lawn space with outdoor decking and installing drip irrigation.

Your outdoor space is a beautiful extension of your home that can be used to entertain friends and family. It’s also the first thing interested homebuyers notice. So, whether you’re interested in saving on utilities or selling your home, your yard is a great investment.

Revised June 2023

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